
Nepal in Movies

Want to see more and learn more about Nepal? Check out these movies There are lots more but these are the ones I have watched. I will add more as I watch more... Searching for Nepal   - on Amazon; Documentary; Sweet and uplifting; VERY accurate videography of Kathmandu and the Hills "...chronicles the emotional and cultural journey of a former Peace Corps Volunteer as he returns to Nepal, seeking out his adopted family in the aftermath of Nepal's Maoist civil war. Filmed entirely on location, this exotic, soul-searching adventure explores the universal yearning to go home again. A multi award winning film." The Quest: Nepal  - on Amazon; Documentary; very interesting  "...epic one-of-a-kind 63 day Quest to deeper understand and climb the most iconic mountain in the world, Everest, while unveiling the fascinating culture, history and nature of Nepal." Sunakali   - on Amazon; Documentary; bittersweet but Inspiring "Mugu in Western Nepal is one of the least de

Slow Transition Back to "Normal"

The travel home was long and thankfully, uneventful. My sweet honey-bunny greeted me inside the airport .  (Poor guy had to wait hours since my final leg was delayed but he had a book and comfy chair and he is generally very patient.  Plus he said he missed me so much he didn't mind.  Love that man!) Got home at 1AM to a clean condo - two dozen roses and this: 💜💛😍💋💖. I adore this man!   It's now exactly one week later .  Still not unpacked . Just finished writing the final blog entry .  Still haven't been to the office .  I have made two Nepali meals and created and ordered three Shutterfly photo albums of my trip. I am putting off normal ... I  don't want the trip to end .   So what is the next best thing???  Already started planning the next  adventure:  My Nepal - 2027 .   In my wildest hopes I will go back to Nepal as a 60th birthday treat .  

The Cherry on the Sundae

  How can this possibly be my final day? Yes, I am ready to be home but what saddens me is that it is such a big trip to get back .  (And yes, I have already started my list of places to go on what I hope will be a future visit !) Of course I start the day, once again, with my biscuits and latte.  I continue packing.  So much to sort out.  I leave some stuff behind in the hopes that someone will get use of it - snack foods, shoes.   I have a busy day planned , and then at midnight, Gulson and Prabin will be here to take me to the airport . Sidenote: I don't think I have shared much about Prabin. He was behind-the-scenes keeping all of my private touring moving like clockwork.  He arranged special tours, he coordinated my rides, he checked on me at the conclusion of every single activity.  In a nutshell, I felt safe and secure and well-cared for because of Prabin's attention.  The manager of my Nepal visit . Thank you, Prabin! I meet Prabin and today's guide , Namrata

Pringles and rice and rice and rice!

Up early today for pick-up at Tiger Mountain to head to the airport , then back to Kathmandu for the final 2 days of my trip . The schedule is jam-packed and while I am pooped I know it only makes sense to make the most of my final time here. Easy flight to Kathmandu though funny enough when I got to the airport I was told I was on a different flight that was scheduled to leave 2 hours earlier but was delayed.  Weird. but ok.  It worked. Once I hit the ground in Kathmandu I was greeted my my guide, Suresh, and driver, Gulson .  Remember them from the beginning of the trip???  (It will be my last day with them. 😥 Wow, my trip really is coming to an end.  Bummer.) I didn't think we had lunch on the schedule but I wasn't sure so I stopped at the stand in the Kathmandu airport and bought a snack . Of course I thought of Gene because if he had been there he  would have killed me  for buying them, but not for the reason you think.  He LOVES Pringles and whenever I buy them he c